Month: August 2006

  • Tram Facts

    Sunday’s Oregonian has a two-part Q&A style piece by Ryan Frank discussing mostly operational issues with the OHSU tram. The mid-air rescue scenario is pretty harrowing, if unlikely (there are two backup power sources to get the cars back to the terminals if the main electrical motor fails). The engineers claim that they have a…

  • Bridgeport Parking Rage

    Regular readers will know that I have a beef with the almost total auto-dependence of the Bridgeport Village “lifestyle center.” Yesterday’s Oregonian brings word of “parking rage” at the mall. I’m not sure how much of this is a true shortage (Bridgeport has 3.5 parking spaces per 1000 square feet of retail, compared to 4-5…

  • Unsafe Routes to School

    Apparently some legislators in Pennsylvania think it’s unsafe for kids to walk 1.5 miles to school. They want to reduce the radius for required school bus service to 3/4 of a mile. I’m glad we think different here.

  • Popular Media Intersects Transportation

    It was bound to happen, transportation videos showing up on YouTube. Here are two. From Dave Brook, traffic in India (I love the pedicabs). And off the SHIFT list, a different way to get bikes up hills.

  • Ice Closes MAX in August

    OK, I just couldn’t resist the headline. TriMet will actually be doing some maintenance Saturday morning to add ice caps to the Blue Line in Gresham. Let’s look forward to better service in inclement weather.