The Worldwatch Institute, Oregon Environmental Council, Illahee, and the Sightline Institute present
Christopher Flavin
President, Worldwatch InstituteWednesday, September 27, 2006
7:00-8:00 PM Wine and Dessert Reception
8:00-9:30 PM Speaking Program
Multnomah Athletic Club
1849 SW Salmon Street
Portland, Oregon 97205Across America, recognition is growing that dependence on oil is the country’s Achilles heel—undermining our economy, threatening our security, and damaging the environment. Christopher Flavin, President of the Worldwatch Institute, is a long-time critic of U.S. energy policy and the failures of several presidents and congresses to develop a viable alternative to dependence on fossil fuels. He and his colleagues have developed a strategy for improving energy efficiency, developing renewable fuels, and building cooperative alliances with countries in Europe, Asia and Latin America that share those goals. Flavin argues that we should seize on the current crisis over high gasoline prices as an opportunity—and use it to permanently kick our dependence on oil. Join us for a stimulating lecture followed by an opportunity for questions, answers and conversation.
COST: $25 for general admission, $20 for students with valid ID at the door. Pre-registration is required by Wednesday, September 20th.
Register online: