More Class Presentations

Last week I summarized several presentations from the PSU/PDOT Traffic and Transportation Class. Later in the week, I had a chance to be part of a panel, along with PDOT Director Sue Keil and Commissioner Adams’ chief of staff, Tom Miller, which reviewed and provided feedback on another set of class presentations. From these, I’ve selected one standout project which I’ll feature later in the week. Here are the rest of last Thursday’s presentations:


care to ride your bike on this street?

Last week I summarized several presentations from the PSU/PDOT Traffic and Transportation Class. Later in the week, I had a chance to be part of a panel, along with PDOT Director Sue Keil and Commissioner Adams’ chief of staff, Tom Miller, which reviewed and provided feedback on another set of class presentations. From these, I’ve selected one standout project which I’ll feature later in the week. Here are the rest of last Thursday’s presentations:

Hannah Kapell (PDF 1.4M) would like to change PDOT maintenance policy to prioritize bike lanes. She explains that her route contains streets that are too low in auto traffic volume to justify repaving, but at the same time provide a very uncomfortable cycling surface. Her challenge will be to mobilize both bicycle activists and the neighborhoods involved to work together to put pressure on PDOT.

Kirsty Hall (PDF 1.5M) wants to make the Burnside Bridge a better bike route by improving access at either end. She’s taken a careful look at the plans for the proposed couplet and designed bike routes to maximize the potential.

Cynthia Chilton (PDF 1.0M) wants to solve an unsafe intersection on Terwilliger Blvd in an unconvential way: vacate the side street! But local conditions might just make this viable.

Jonathan Austin (PDF 1.6M) wants to make SE 28th Ave safer for bikes and believes sharrows are the tool for the job.

Sheree Tatum (PDF 5.4M) is faced with a majorly substandard street designated as a neighborhood collector. She’s got congestion AND speeding. Even the panel was scratching their heads about what to do.

Marian Rhys (PDF 1.1M) wants to de-glamourize the automobile. She’s got facts and messages, can she find a way to deliver them?

I’m looking forward to these newly trained activists joining the fray!

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