My own transportation advocacy was greatly enhanced when I took the PDOT/PSU traffic and transportation class almost 10 years ago. Offered every spring and fall, I would recommend this course to anyone interested in improving transportation in their neighborhood, city or region. Here’s the info on the fall class…
Neighborhood traffic, alternative transportation and how to get things done in your neighborhood are the focus for this well respected ten-week university course. Hundreds of Portland residents have taken this popular class and learned how to negotiate the maze of traffic and transportation agencies and issues. Here’s your chance to hear about how you can make a difference even in these times of budget cuts and shrinking gas tax revenue.
Speakers include policy and decision-makers, planners, and engineers from Tri-Met, Metro, and Portland’s Office of Transportation – people who can make things happen. Facilitated by Rick Gustafson, transportation planning consultant and former Metro executive officer.
What: A ten-week course sponsored by City of Portland Bureau of Transportation System Management and Portland State University Urban Studies Program
When: September 29, 2005 to December 8, 2005
Thursdays, 6:40 – 8:40 p.m.
Where: Portland State University Campus (classroom to be announced)
Who: This course is designed for the neighborhood activist, new or experienced, who wants to make a difference on traffic and transportation in their Portland neighborhood.
Limited space is available for the ten-week class during the Fall Term.
Full scholarships are available to qualified City of Portland residents for the non-credit course. To be eligible for a scholarship applicants must live in the City of Portland and not be a transportation or law enforcement professional. Deadline for scholarship application is September 16, 2005. If you are interested in taking the class for Tuition is $147 for non-credit or one credit and $293 for graduate credit.
To register or get more information on this popular course, call or email Dan Bower at (503) 823-5667 or Register Online.