CTRAN Saved?

I just heard on OPB that the sales tax increase to support CTRAN passed with 67% of the vote. Whew!

Does anyone have more info or thoughts?

3 responses to “CTRAN Saved?”

  1. From the article at the Columbian.com: seems like they focused on urban areas, cut the proposed tax 50% to 2 cents per $10 (tiny amount), and got some prominent Republicans to support.

    Nevertheless, a big win — two-thirds of voters supporting it! What’s next, support for light rail? ;)

    From the article:
    “The heavy support was a huge turnabout from November, when a sales tax proposal failed after it was rejected by 54 percent of voters countywide….

    C-Tran’s success will enable the… agency to… keep buses running at 2004 levels for at least six years.

    Those promises, in addition to cutting the amount of the sales tax boost, drew unprecedented bipartisan support and strong endorsements from the business community. Two transit advocates with strong Republican Party connections volunteered to direct Save C-Tran, a group urging support for the measure.

    To further improve its odds of passing the ballot measure, C-Tran also constricted its service and taxation boundaries to the Vancouver urban area (the city and a portion of unincorporated Clark County outside Vancouver) and the city limits of Camas, Washougal, La Center, Ridgefield, Yacolt and Battle Ground. Last November’s measure was submitted to voters countywide, and one assumption was that it was rejected by residents who live outside the service area and therefore had no reason to support bus service.”

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