The Bicycle Transportation Alliance is searching for 3000 donuts. At a recent staff meeting, our Program Director Brita Johnson asked if we knew where to find 3000 donuts. That’s right, 250 dozen.
Well, Voodoo Donuts has their Tex-Ass Sized donuts, but asking them to make 3000 cool donuts isn’t a likely winner. Perhaps Franz Bakery, whose lovely smell of baking permeates blocks around their factory at Northeast 11th and Everett, is the place to go. I can also imagine a Krispy Kreme poster of a bicycle whose wheels are made out of donuts. But if you’ve got ideas, let us know.
Why do we need so many donuts? Well, it’s a summer of fun for bicycling, and one of the events we help with, and benefit from, is the Midsummer Night Ride, July 9th. It’s a great ride through the city in the middle of the night with thousands of other cyclists. For those of you who may not have ridden in the middle of a summer night much, it’s an amazing experience, especially with a few hundred friends. Seriously consider going.
Or if you want to help with any of our events this summer, we’d love your help.
Otherwise, find us some donuts, will you?