Happy Birthday to … Us!

Yes, today is the anniversary of the first post here on Portland Transport. While we didn’t go public until the following week, it was a year ago that we first cajoled friends and family to take a peek at this thing we had created – and please leave some comments so visitors would see some activity when the press release went out!

One year later we’ve posted some impressive numbers (as of the time I’m drafting this):

– 581 posts
– 66,000+ visitors

Yes, today is the anniversary of the first post here on Portland Transport. While we didn’t go public until the following week, it was a year ago that we first cajoled friends and family to take a peek at this thing we had created – and please leave some comments so visitors would see some activity when the press release went out!

One year later we’ve posted some impressive numbers (as of the time I’m drafting this):

– 581 posts
– 66,000+ visitors

Happy birthday to all our contributors, commenters, and especially the readers, about 400 per day right now.

Many happy returns!

[photo credit to iam4ranny under Creative Commons license]

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