Licht aan! (Get Lit!)

Sometimes the parallels are just eerie. In the Netherlands a major safety campaign was under way to get cyclists to have proper lights. They even had cops handing out lights. Sound familiar?

The difference I noticed with a lot of ‘programs’ like this in the Netherlands is that they get a lot of promotion – posters, etc. We don’t seem to do promotion on the same kind of scale here.

Licht aan! portlandtransport’s Licht aan! photoset

Sometimes the parallels are just eerie. In the Netherlands a major safety campaign was under way to get cyclists to have proper lights. They even had cops handing out lights. Sound familiar?

The difference I noticed with a lot of ‘programs’ like this in the Netherlands is that they get a lot of promotion – posters, etc. We don’t seem to do promotion on the same kind of scale here.

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One response to “Licht aan! (Get Lit!)”

  1. The main difference with the Netherlands program is the choice given to cyclists when they are stopped. They can either purchase a set of lights…or get a ticket. So the program generates revenue…which might be how they can afford more promotion.

    I think perhaps the Portland police should consider this after an initial period of giving the lights away for free.

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