October 2010 Open Thread #2

Sadistic equine necrophilia-free and ready for your dictates.

The original thread remains open (for punishment gluttons everywhere) — please keep topics already brought up in the original over there.

4 responses to “October 2010 Open Thread #2”

  1. USA Today, recently ran an article about high speed rail. It contained the following observation:

    New transportation technologies have a truly transformative effect when they not only replace older technologies but also increase total mobility. Intercity passenger trains, electric streetcars, and mass-produced automobiles offered their customers thousands of miles per year of new mobility. This gave people access to jobs, resources, and opportunities that were previously unavailable.

    Then goes on to observe that:

    The California High-Speed Rail Authority predicts that 98% of its customers will shift from driving or flying. Florida predicts that 96% of the people using its high-speed train will switch from driving.

    Almost no new travel means almost no transformative effect. Few people will use high-speed rail or urban rail transit to access new markets, resources, or jobs. Merely substituting rail for other modes will be extremely expensive.

    Read it at: http://www.usatoday.com/news/opinion/forum/2010-10-02-otoole01_ST_N.htm


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