Tag: Bikes

  • Requiem for a Greenway

    It was after 6:30, so the bulk of the evening rush had come and gone. Clinton Street would be quiet, relaxing, exhilarating…like the olden days. Or so I thought. Before I’d even ridden a block, I got the all-too familiar “Clinton Street Salute:” a car zipping around me too quickly and too closely. It presaged…

  • Platinum Podcast

    If you’re a blogger one of the technologies you have to track is RSS, and it’s a quick jump from RSS into podcasting. So I often run into interesting podcasts. Last week I stumbled across Bike Talk and their podcast. The show is out of Davis, California, which is significant since Davis is the first…

  • Beyond the Woonerf, Evolution of Cycling in the Netherlands

    After being dazzled by the prevalence of bicycles here, once my head stopped spinning, I couldn’t help but wonder “how did this come to be?” We got some of the answers yesterday with presentations from Amsterdam’s bicycle coordinator and a representative of an NGO whose mission is to help other countries adapt the Netherland’s learnings…