What Google Has Done for Public Transportation
Via Slashdot: A good piece on Xconomy about what Google has helped enable with information about transit service. Portland and our local thought leaders are highlighted.
SmartPhone Worth 20% Off Your Transit Waiting Time
But it feels like 30% according to the studies reported here… And frequency doesn’t hurt either.
A Peek at the Future of TriMet Fare Collection?
In response to our discussion about the likely recommendation of TriMet’s Fare Task Force, TriMet spokesperson Mary Fetsch passed along a white paper on electronic fare collection (PDF, 581K) that had been prepared at the request of General Manager Neil McFarlane. Before commenting on the very interesting contents of the document, I want to provide…
Better Trips, Transformational Leadership
There was a flurry of news on Friday, describing TriMet’s new multi-modal trip planner. There is no question the planner is very cool. The ability to integrate bike and transit trip planning, better pedestrian routing to transit stops, and a myriad a bells and whistles (check out the ‘bike triangle’!) are a great step forward.…
The Technology Keeps Getting Better
The folks at Sightline wrote it up before I could. Two new apps help us make better transportation choices: The folks at Walkscore have a tool that helps you figure out the places from which you can commute to a job in a given amount of time, billed as “Apartment Search“. Reroute.it will calculate the…