Category: Transportation Operations

  • Road Diets

    I was in a meeting a few weeks ago and heard the term “Road Diet” to describe reducing the auto capacity of a road. I found it quite curious (and a little humorous). Serendipitously I was reviewing the archive of webcasts for the PSU Transportation Seminar Series and came across a presentation specifically on the…

  • Traffic Circles in the Netherlands

    One of the unique bicycle features in the Netherlands is that traffic circles (‘rotaries’ if you grew up on the east coast like I did) have a separate lane for bikes. Concrete islands help regulate the flow of autos to avoid conflicts with bikes.

  • Beyond the Woonerf, Evolution of Cycling in the Netherlands

    After being dazzled by the prevalence of bicycles here, once my head stopped spinning, I couldn’t help but wonder “how did this come to be?” We got some of the answers yesterday with presentations from Amsterdam’s bicycle coordinator and a representative of an NGO whose mission is to help other countries adapt the Netherland’s learnings…

  • Who Gets a Drivers License?

    There it was again in the newspaper last week — a throw away line about immigration and drivers licenses in a larger article about immigration and border patrols between Mexico and Arizona. Governor Richardson of Arizona said “I have the most migrant-friendly state” as he cited a policy of issuing drivers licenses without regard to…

  • Crossing the Willamette on Sunday (sans Bike)

    If you’re not one of the 19,000 of us who will be crossing and re-crossing the Willamette River on Sunday during the Providence Bridge Pedal, then you might want to look at the following to help get around. TriMet has provided information on bus detours and Mike Pullen from the County passes along the following:…