Category: Talking About Transportation

  • Cincinnati Heart Portland

    Apparently we have Portland Transport readers all over, including John Schneider, who wrote this piece for a weekly in Cincinnati extolling Portland’s transportation virtues. John is suggesting Cincinnati could emulate our transit-friendly downtown, and he points out examples including our Safeway, topped by condos and served by Streetcar.

  • Coining a Term

    There’s an extensive piece in the Oregonian’s In Portland section about the Burnside Plan. It analyzes the power politics behind support and opposition to the couplet plan. Watching the process of deconstructing the results of many years of planning, accompanied by lots of public outreach and input, after the fact, makes me wonder if we…

  • Blogger on Film

    Portland Transport blogger (and Metro Councilor) Rex Burkholder is interviewed in the new documentary, Mama Earth. There are two showings coming up in Portland. Here’s the flyer (PDF, 83K) or you can get more info at

  • Habitat Jam: a new way to talk about cities?

    Listening to the most recent Smart City I was intrigued to hear about the Habitat Jam project. It’s a worldwide online conversation (a chat room on steroids?) comprised of six forums, including one titled “Humanity, the Future of our Cities”. There’s also a forum on Environmental Sustainability. The Forums run December 1st-3rd. I think it…

  • “Goods and Services” or “Freight”

    When I was starting this blog, I got feedback from a number of potential contributors that just talking about “mobility” was a problem, that “access” was the more comprehensive way to look at the issues. I eventually compromised and put both in the tag line for this site. I’m getting a similar education about “freight”.…