Gas Tax and Ballot Measures
Rob Zako sends word that a new ballot measure being proposed for the 2008 election would dedicate 1% of gas tax revenues to the State Police and County patrols. Today the state gas tax is dedicated (by constitutional amendment) to exclusive use on roads. There seem to be several schools of thought around this kind…
Bike Success in Southern Oregon
I received this note from down south: Our local NPR station, Jefferson Public Radio, generously gave 7+ minutes of radio time for the Bike First! Follow up. Just go to the link below and click on the little speaker icon next to “Program gets Drivers commuting by bike” to listen. Eric Teel, the journalist, is…
Is Goal 1 Obsolete?
Statewide Planning Goal # 1: To develop a citizen involvement program that insures the opportunity for citizens to be involved in all phases of the planning process. [read the rest of the goal text here (PDF, 12K)] There seems to be a difference of opinion about what this means in the context of the “Big…
More on the Oregon Transportation Plan
A few days ago we reported on coverage in the Oregonian about the Oregon Transportation Plan update. We got the full dog and pony show at TPAC last Friday, and want to point out a few things of note. First, for opportunities to see the plan presentation, and to learn how to provide comment, visit…
Another Illustration of the Resource Gap
In this morning’s Oregonian, James Mayer writes about the draft of the Oregon Transportation Plan. He highlights the gap, about $1B per year, between the revenue available, and the transportation needs outlined in the report. I’ll admit I haven’t read the report (PDF, 729K) yet, it will be a discussion topic at TPAC next week,…