Category: Safety

  • Plainer is Safer?

    Streetsblog is reporting that after removing railings and signage, the Kensington High Street in London is now twice as safe. Does this operate along the same theory as removing traffic control devices to make drivers pay attention? If we make pedestrian feel less protected, do they pay more attention? How far do we go (I…

  • Slower Neighborhood Streets

    Take PDOT’s poll on slowing down neighborhood streets. Look in the right hand column of the safety programs page.

  • It’s Getting Safer Out There

    As we approach the Independence Day holiday, it’s a good time to talk about safety. I had the opportunity to participate in the 2nd Annual PDOT Safety Summit earlier this week. It’s a great event where citizens can interact with PDOT staff and other agencies to brainstorm how to make life safer out on the…

  • Tip O’ the Hat: Vulnerable Road Users Bill Passes

    You’ll find much more extensive coverage on Bike Portland and the BTA Blog, but here’s what the O had to say about the Vulnerable Road Users Bill passing the legislature. Particular congratulations to my former TPAC colleague Scott Bricker who led the lobbying effort. This is an important piece of legislation and cyclists and pedestrians…

  • PDOT’s Second Annual Safety Summit

    Dear Traffic Safety Partners, You are invited to attend PDOT’s Second Annual Transportation Safety Summit! Join Transportation City Commissioner Sam Adams, ODOT Region One Manger Jason Tell, and PDOT Director Sue Keil for an opportunity to carry out a meaningful review of recent transportation safety trends and accomplishments, and to provide valuable input into current…