Category: Projects

  • Crunch Time for Burnside

    City Council will take up Commissioner Adams’ request to fund initial engineering on the West Burnside/Couch couplet tomorrow (3pm Time Certain). Whether you’re a fan or a foe of the project, this is your best opportunity to influence the outcome. Commissioner Saltzman appears to be skeptical. No word on the other 3 members, but Sam…

  • Oregonian Traces Milwaulkie LRT Turn-around

    Jim Mayer’s piece traces the trajectory from recalling the Mayor and City Council members to accelerating community support for the Light Rail proposal. A more acceptable alignment coupled with changes in demographics and attitude seem to be the drivers.

  • Sellwood Properties at Risk?

    It would appear that whatever alternative gets chosen for the Sellwood Bridge, some private property must be taken and buildings removed.

  • 4th CRC Options Survives Task Force Review

    The subcommittee’s proposal for using the existing bridges for Northbound traffic while putting transit and southbound traffic on a new bridge was approved by the full Columbia River Crossing task force last night (Oregonian coverage). So this will be studied in the EIS along with the big bridge and no build options. Does this provide…

  • Milwaukie LRT in Co-chairs’ Budget

    Things are looking up for Milwaukie LRT. According to the Daily Journal of Commerce, the $250 requested from the State (from Lottery bonds) for the project is included in the co-chairs’ budget. The Connect Oregon 2 program is also in the budget. “There are two key investments we’re proposing,” Rep. Mary Nolan, D-Portland and co-chair…