Category: Projects

  • Streetcar and the RTP

    In the draft policy language for the Regional Transportation Plan update, there is a 3-tier classification of transit service: High Capacity Transit (MAX) Regional Transit (connects regional and town centers) Local Transit (bus) Streetcar was initially lumped in Regional Transit (along with TriMet’s frequent bus lines). While the proposed Lake Oswego Line might fit that…

  • How Do We Size and Allocate Freeway Capacity?

    Yesterday’s Portland Tribune, in milder terms than the FHWA, editorialized that Metro may be overlooking roads in the Regional Transportation Plan update. While Steve Clark, the Trib’s publisher, and a mover and shaker on transportation issues in the business community, would probably concede that we can’t build our way out of congestion, the tone of…

  • Liberty: We Must Consider More CRC Alternatives

    This is excerpted from Councilor Liberty’s February newsletter. The Columbia River Crossing Study: We Must Consider More Alternatives Than Just a New 10 or 12 Lane Freeway Bridge That May Cost Taxpayers $2 Billion There are very few regional decisions with greater consequences for us than whether to spend $2 billion of taxpayer funds to…

  • Gragg Disses Couplet as “an unrelenting sameness”

    In Sunday’s Oregonian Randy Gragg casts the Burnside/Couch couplet debate as a battle between “Road People” and “Urban People”. Apparently Randy would put me in the “Road” coalition, which I find ironic given my efforts on alternative transportation.

  • CRC Open House Question # 12 (Final Question)

    This is the final question from the open house feedback piece. This weekend I will close comments on all these threads and bundle up the conversation to submit to the CRC staff A new bridge should improve safety and travel conditions for marine traffic in the Columbia River. Agree/Disagree. Discuss…