City of Portland engages in outrageous $2M power-play against TriMet.
In a move which apparently came as a complete surprise, Portland mayor Sam Adams has proposed levying/hiking various fees on TriMet, related to things like benches and shelters. The amount of the proposed fee hike is 8000%, or about $2M; intended to cover the cost of the YouthPass program, which was cut by TriMet in…
Upcoming Jarrett Walker talks in Oregon
Well-known transportation planning consultant (and native Portlander) Jarrett Walker, who wrote the book Human Transit: How Clearer Thinking about Public Transit Can Enrich our Communities and our Lives, and authors the blog Human Transit, will have two speaking engagements in Oregon. The first, down in Lane County, will be entitled “Eugene-Springfield Transit: What are the…
The 15 finally returns to the Morrison Bridge! Great news, but more needs to be done.
For nearly a year, the Morrison Bridge has been closed to westbound traffic so contractors could replace its hazardous steel-grate surface. The project, which was meant to end last November but was plagued by delays, not only disrupted life for auto commuters but also forced the westbound 15 bus to detour south to the Hawthorne…
Your Questions for Neil, Round 3, Part 1
Earlier this month I had the opportunity to sit down with TriMet General Manager Neil McFarlane to pose questions on behalf of Portland Transport readers. We’ll be releasing videos of this conversation in four parts, starting this evening with Part 1, focusing on TriMet’s proposed service cuts. This conversation happened on the day of the…
The American Conservative and the 50th anniversary of The Death and Life of Great American Cities
This year is the 50th anniversary of Jane Jacobs’ masterpiece The Death and Life of Great American Cities. Influential conservative magazine The American Conservative (a conservative political organ which hasn’t been given over to Tea Party reactionaryism) has an interesting article commemorating the occasion. Of particular interest to Portlanders, even if you disagree with every…