Shoup in Practice
Via Planetizen, San Francisco is gearing up for largest exercise (over 17,000 spaces) to date in dynamic pricing for parking, testing the ideas of Donald Shoup.
Tomorrow is National Parking Day
“Parking” as in turning parking spaces into miniature parks. Here are the Portland locations I am aware of. Let us know if there are more! SW 5th Ave between Alder and Washington, sponsored by Hotel Monaco and the Trust for Public Lands (4-8pm). Ace Hotel Portland, 1022 SW Stark St. Powell’s Books, Couch St. side…
Your Car in 60 Seconds
Stacked parking is here and spreading…
Pay-by-cell Meters Slow to Start in San Francisco
From the San Francisco Examiner.
Calling All Parking Geeks
Portland State University Center for Transportation Studies Winter 2008 Transportation Seminar Series Speaker: Marc Guichard, Metro Topic: Where the Rubber Leaves the Road: A Snapshot of Two Current Efforts to Manage Parking Issues in Regional Centers When: Friday, February 15, 2008, 12:00-1:30 pm Where: 204 Urban Center