Category: Parking

  • Shoup Weighs in on NW Parking Plan

    A few years before starting this blog in 2005 I channeled my wonkery hours into serving as the lead neighborhood representative in trying to develop a parking plan for NW Portland. I still have the scars from when that effort crashed and burned. At the time I predicted that we had poisoned the well for…

  • In Search of a Better Parking Lot

    An intriguing op-ed in the New York Times focuses on how much land is given over to parking our cars and how we might make it perform better for us.

  • Your City’s Parking Footprint

    What do surface parking lots do to land use patterns? Check out this post at Price Tags for a great comparison of different cities.

  • Rent Out Your Driveway?

    I had heard about this last year when I was in San Francisco for Transportation Camp, but apparently it’s coming to Portland now. I actually suspect in many cases this would be a zoning violation, as it would be classified as commercial parking, which is generally disallowed in residential zones. But I can’t imagine how…

  • Walking the Talk

    It has not gone unnoticed (it’s even been discussed on this blog) that Metro, which promotes transportation choices, has a very large parking structure attached to their building. Employees have always (at least as long as I’ve had any involvement with Metro) been required to pay for that parking if they want to use it.…