Category: Organizations

  • Oregonian: TriMet abusing overtime?

    Mentioned earlier in the open thread, but today the Oregonian’s Joseph Rose is reporting that excessive overtime at TriMet is resulting in severe operator fatigue–a factor which led to an incident in 2011 where a Yellow Line train crashed into the buffers at the Expo Center station. (The driver apparently had dozed off). Go read…

  • Metro seeking TPAC applicants

    It’s fall, which means that Metro is seeking citizen applicants to serve on the Transportation Policy Advisory Committee. There are four openings. According to Metro: TPAC is an advisory committee that reviews regional plans and federally funded transportation projects across the three-county Portland area. It advises local and regional leaders on transportation spending priorities as…

  • Guest Post: Community Transit Double Tall Buses After One Year

    This is a guest post from regular contributor Ron Swaren. Anyone who wishes to submit a guest post is welcome to contact the moderators and we will be happy to assist you. Photograph by Takeshita kenji, courtesy of Wikipedia. Released under the GNU Free Documentation License (CC-BY-3.0). Click on picture for a larger image. Community…

  • A few new TriMet service surprises

    TriMet has now announced all the details (i.e. detailed schedules) of its service changes which will take affect Sept 2. While most of the changes should be no surprise, given the intense debate over them back during the spring budget discussions, there are a few interesting surprises. Cameron Johnson has a good write-up over at…

  • Two TriMet-related editorials in the morning paper

    This morning’s Oregonian has two editorials (one a guest submission, one by one of the paper’s regulars) on the subject of TriMet. The guest editorial, by Craig Boretz, Randy Miller and Angus Duncan, deals with TriMet’s funding crisis. It calls for further “restructuring” of the labor agreements, including withdrawal of mandatory arbitration. But it also…