Category: Organizations

  • Completing the outer ring of suburban transit

    If you look at the TriMet route map, it tends to resemble an amoeba. There are several arms, of various lengths, and lots of connectivity to the core–but in many cases, no connectivity between arms without travelling into downtown, or routes involving multiple transfers. Starting with the St. Helens Road and heading counter-clockwise; there’s a…

  • The Equity Implications of the TriMet Fare App

    The beta test for the TriMet fare app is winding down, and Joe Rose at the Oregonian has published a review of it. I think the review is fair and pretty much reflects my experience as a beta tester as well. It’s the headline that scares me: “GlobeSherpa’s TriMet Tickets app rescues riders from the…

  • Oregon Legislators calling for TriMet audit

    Joseph Rose of The Oregonian is reporting that several members of the Oregon Legislature are now calling for Secretary of State Kate Brown’s office to conduct an independent “emergency” audit of TriMet, and have amended HB3316, originally introduced to change how the agency’s board of directors is chosen, to require that this be done (and…

  • TriMet Does Some Things Very Well

    We spend a fair amount of time on this site being critical of TriMet. But fair is fair. They had a significant announcement last week that deserves some attention. The Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail project has generated more than $100M ($110M in fact) in contracts to minority and women-owned subcontractors. In fact, TriMet’s contracting efforts to…

  • Rogue’s gallery

    Been a busy day on the transportation beat. Normally, at Portland Transport we like to focus on issues as opposed to personalities and such, but occasionally exceptions must be made–and today we have not one but two rogues in the dock. TriMet, fresh from a black eye over its handling of pay raises, today was…