Category: Modes

  • Tiger II grant winners in Oregon and SW Washington.

    The USDOT has just announced the winners of the Tiger II Discretionary Grant program; and four projects in Oregon and SW Washington will receive funding.

  • The Long Coffee Supply Chain

    This diagram was developed out of a stakeholder interview for the sustainable freight task force I just served on. It’s illustrative that even if you get the last mile to be very sustainable, there’s a lot of complexity in moving even a very simple commodity. click on image for a larger view

  • Under New Management: TriMet and the Trust Gap

    What ought to be of concern to TriMet’s riders and supporters was Friday’s front page article by Joseph Rose, who covers the transportation beat for the paper. The title says it all: Will TriMet bond measure get the support of those who actually ride TriMet? In the article, Rose (who is quite knowledgeable on the…

  • Oregonian opposes TriMet bond measure 26-119

    In this morning’s Oregonian, the editorial board came out against Measure 26-119, the TriMet sponsored bond measure which would continue the soon-to-expire Westside MAX bonds, in order to pay for numerous enhancements to the bus system, particularly to help out the disabled.

  • Eastside Openings this Week

    The East Burnside/Couch couplet has been in operation (and refinement) for a couple of months now, but the official ribbon cutting will be Tuesday at 9AM. In terms of real change on the transportation system, I hope the new signaling system for bikes as they cross the freeway entrance at Williams on NE Broadway (installed…