KBOO Bike Show: The Golden Quadrilateral
Listen to the show (mp3, 28MB) In the first half Alon interviews former Olympic Cyclist Leszek Sibilsky, who helped originate World Cycle Day at UN. Later Alon talks with Meera Velankar, the first Indian woman to cycle the Golden Quadrilateral (a 5,846 kilometer network connecting India’s major cities).
KBOO Bike Show: Pedalpalooza 2022
Listen to the show (mp3, 27.9MB) Guests are William Hsu, one of the event’s coordinators and member of the city of Portland’s Bicycle Advisory Committee and Ashley Hollingshead of The Working Theatre Collective, producers of Bike Play, an annual Pedalpalooza event. For more information about Pedalpalooza https://www.pedalpalooza.org or https://www.shift2bikes.org
KBOO Bike Show: Tour de Lunsar Part 2, DRT, eBike Incentives
Listen to the show (mp3, 27.4MB) In the first half of the show Nedra Deadwyler speaks with Karim Kamar, of Sierra Leone, head of the Tour de Lunsar race and celebration and country manager for The Village Bicycle Project. In the second half of the show we present talks by Mike Cobb about the Disaster Relief Trials and…
KBOO Bike Show: Tour de Lunsar Part 1
Listen to the show (mp3, 27.8MB) Alon and Nedra talk with folks involved with the Tour de Lunsar, a bicycle race and celebration in Sierra Leone, including journalist Tom Owen and al Hagi Marouf Safi, Secretary General of the tour.
KBOO Bike Show: Portland Activists Part 2
Listen to the show (mp3, 26.7MB) Alon speaks with André Lightsey-Walker, Policy Transformation Manager of The Street Trust and temporary legislative aid during the recent short session. In the second half, Alon talks to Catie Gould of the Sightline Institute. Catie is also a member of the Portland Bicycle Advisory Committee and a leader of Bike…