Category: Modes

  • Southwest Corridor Questionnaire

    This past Thursday, May 23rd, a community planning forum was held to present and discuss the current status of the SW Corridor, and solicit more community input. For those who didn’t attend, the materials have been posted on the project’s home page, and there is an online questionnaire for those who wish to add their…

  • Are Biking and Walking “Cool”?

    Portland State University Spring 2013 Friday Transportation Seminar Series Speaker: Tara Goddard, PhD Student in Urban Studies, PSU Topic: Are Bicycling and Walking “Cool?”: Adolescent Attitudes about Active Travel The declining rates of physical activity among children, particularly adolescent girls, are well-documented, yet there has been insufficient research into the attitudes about health behaviors, particularly…

  • U.S. PIRG Report Documents Decline in Driving

    The report indicates two major demographic trends: Baby Boomers are “aging out” of driving, while Millenials are adopting it at much lower rates. The report also makes policy recommendations (review large highway projects) in response to the trends. A NYTimes article today includes coverage of the report.

  • How Do We Get an Antifragile Transit System?

    It would appear that the failure of a single surge protector effectively disrupted most MAX trips during the morning rush hour yesterday. That would seem to be the definition of “fragile” – a small failure has a non-linear (and much amplified) effect on the whole system. I could draw a similar analogy with a car…

  • Oregon Passenger Rail Project meetings this week

    The Oregon Department of Transportation is running an initiative known as the Oregon Passenger Rail Project, seeking to improve intercity rail in the Willamette Valley. There will be two meetings in the Portland area this week for those interested: May 7: SE Metro Community Advisory Group Meeting 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Pioneer Center Ballroom…