Bike Part Not Often Seen in America
We spent yesterday getting a series of presentations on the development of the bicycle networks in Amsterdam and the Netherlands (40% bike mode split in Amsterdam, 27% nationally!). While I compose a longer post on the topic, here’s a little teaser. What is the purpose of the clear plastic panel that extends from the fender…
An Amsterdam Streetcar Street
The Portland delegation is trickling into Amsterdam, with most of the group at an arrival dinner tonight, and the rest arriving tomorrow. Here’s a typical streetcar street in a shopping district. There are other configurations on different street types that I’ll try to get examples of later in the week. Note that the purpose of…
More on Prague Sidewalks
www.flickr.com portlandtransport’s Prague Sidewalk Repair photoset Just getting ready to leave Prague for Amsterdam, and wanted share these photos or repair work on the cobbled sidewalks. The willingness to dedicate labor costs – it’s all hand work – to the public realm is very impressive.
Three More Streetcars
www.flickr.com portlandtransport’s 3 More Streetcars photoset Here are photos from our visit to the plant in Ostrava where the next three Portland Streetcars, of the new Trio design, are under construction. We saw two end sections and a center section at the framing stage. We also saw several cars of a very similar design being…
The Streetcar Builders: Inekon, Skoda, Dopravní Podnik Ostrava … and Oregon Iron Works?
Josef Hušek (center), founder and chairman of Inekon Group So why are we in the Czech Republic anyway? How did Portland come to source its streetcars here? A little Cold War history is required. Under Comecon – the economic compact among the Warsaw Pact nations – different countries were assigned responsibility for manufactured goods. What…