Category: Modes

  • Correspondent Wanted

    There is a public meeting on the Sellwood Bridge next Wednesday (March 22nd, 5-6:30 at Oaks Park). The agenda includes: Current condition of the bridge Short-term strategy to keep the bridge in service Planning for a long-term solution that begins this spring How the public can be involved, including the role of a Community Task…

  • Moving the Sauvie Island Bridge

    Over at, they’re discussing the economics of moving the old Sauvie Island Bridge to I-405 to use as part of the Flanders bike/ped corridor. Share your thoughts there.

  • Boats and Trains

    Finally, some good news on the freight front. Yesterday’s Oregonian reports that the Port of Portland has a new container shipper. Zim Integrated Shipping, out of Israel, will shift its Northwest port of call from Seattle to Portland. While 70% of the cargo they expect to bring in will be destined for our local market,…

  • I Hate being Scooped

    And Jonathan Maus over at did it twice yesterday. First with a piece about a new Bike/Ped Institute at PSU, and then again with a notice about a Portland Bike Summit this summer as part of the Platinum effort. Sigh. Go comment over there…

  • Bug TriMet About Something Else

    Enough already with the Transit Mall Stuff. TriMet is holding several open houses on its Transit Improvement Plan (TIP), essentially its capital investment plan. The open houses are: Wednesday, March 15th, 11-2 and 4-7 in the Portland Bldg (2nd floor) Tuesday, March 21st, 4-7pm at the Portland Adventist Academy (1500 SE 96th Avenue, Portland) Wednesday,…