Category: Modes

  • KBOO Bike Show: Pain-free Cycling

     Listen to the show (mp3, 27.2MB) Tori and Alon speak with Leah Benson of Gladys Bikes and Annalisa Fish of Endurance PDX about how to make your body work with your bike, covering everything from saddles, to exercises to bike fits to physical therapy.

  • KBOO Bike Show: New and Improved CCC

     Listen to the show (mp3, 18MB) Mychal Tetteh and Laquida Landford from the Community Cycling Center join Jocelyn for a discussion of changes at the Center: a new logo, a new web site and new programs.

  • KBOO Bike Show: Cyclocross Replayed

    This month we rebroadcast this episode from 2014.

  • KBOO Bike Show: Disaster!

     Listen to the show (mp3, 27.4MB) Tori and Jocelyn talk with disaster preparedness professional Joe Partridge about “the big one” and other disasters we should be prepared for. Will cargo bikes rescue us? Mike Cobb describes the Disaster Relief Trials.

  • Completing my Personal “Tilikum Grand Slam”

    I’ll admit I had a head start. I enjoyed preview rides on both MAX and Streetcar. During yesterday’s opening festivities, I had the chance to cross both on MAX and on foot. And today I cycled east across our wonderful new bridge, and then made the return journey with my bike on the front of a…