Bike-on-Bus Capacity Highlighted
We’ve discussed here the fact that TriMet bike racks on the front of buses are often full. Yesterday the topic hit the “in Portland” section of the Oregonian. Word is that TriMet will be testing racks that will hold three bikes on some routes next year.
Wanted: Advocate
I got a note yesterday that Jessica Roberts, the BTA’s regional advocate extraordinaire, is leaving BTA to join Alta Planning. The BTA’s loss will be Alta’s gain – Mia Birk is collecting quite a pool of bikey talent there, and in the long run that’s a good thing for our community and a lot of…
Rise to The Challenge
The official press release on the BTA’s Bike Commute Challenge is out. Everyone who wants to reduce our dependence on autos and petroleum should try this out. See how many times in September you can get to work on your bike, or a combination of bike and transit. And get your co-workers in on the…
The Ultimate in Hands Free
The folks who promote dual-mode transportation should be happy to see this development, it’s the next step on the way to their concept: a car that parks itself, or even handles itself in stop-and-go traffic. Read all about it from yesterday’s Wall Street Journal.
Bike Master Plan Update Kickoff Event Tonight
At Southeast Uplift: Making Portland a World Class Bicycling City: Tuesday, August 29th, 6:30 p.m., Southeast Uplift How has the City and its citizens made Portland the #1 U.S. city for bicycling? How can we join Amsterdam and Copenhagen as a world-class bicycling city? What do you like about bicycling in Portland? What would you…