Category: Modes

  • KBOO Bike Show: Off-street Trails and Bike and Walk to School

    Featuring a special membership drive program with guest host Tim Calvert discussing the Springwater Trail and his other favorite off-street paths. We talk on the phone with children participating in National Bike and Walk to School Day.

  • Hawthorne Revolt

    Over at Blue Oregon, Frank Dufay is criticizing the service plan for the #14 bus during mall construction. Head over there to read and comment.

  • What’s Up with Trolleybuses?

    The Trolleybus (AKA: electric bus, trolley bus, trolley coach, trackless trolley, trackless tram) is an interesting technology, crossing the rubber-tired bus with the fixed guideway element of overhead caternary wires. Folks from AORTA have proposed trolleybuses as a lower-cost alternative to Streetcars. The nearest local examples are in Seattle. We also saw trolleybuses in operation…

  • Coming Up on the KBOO Bike Show: Off-Street Paths

    This month the KBOO Bike Show will feature a special membership drive program with guest host Tim Carver discussing the Springwater Trail and his other favorite off-street paths. We talk on the phone with children participating in National Bike and Walk to School Day. 9-10AM, Wednesday, October 4th KBOO FM 90.7 Streamed live at…

  • SkyTrain

    A few weeks ago I wrote about the SkyLink at DFW airport, and the attributes that made it an almost ideal transit system (high frequency, grade-separated right of way, central control reducing operator costs, etc.). Visiting Vancouver, it was interesting to see how many of these attributes SkyTrain possesses. Three minute headways during peak commute…