KBOO Bike Show: Off-street Trails and Bike and Walk to School
Featuring a special membership drive program with guest host Tim Calvert discussing the Springwater Trail and his other favorite off-street paths. We talk on the phone with children participating in National Bike and Walk to School Day.
Hawthorne Revolt
Over at Blue Oregon, Frank Dufay is criticizing the service plan for the #14 bus during mall construction. Head over there to read and comment.
What’s Up with Trolleybuses?
The Trolleybus (AKA: electric bus, trolley bus, trolley coach, trackless trolley, trackless tram) is an interesting technology, crossing the rubber-tired bus with the fixed guideway element of overhead caternary wires. Folks from AORTA have proposed trolleybuses as a lower-cost alternative to Streetcars. The nearest local examples are in Seattle. We also saw trolleybuses in operation…
Coming Up on the KBOO Bike Show: Off-Street Paths
This month the KBOO Bike Show will feature a special membership drive program with guest host Tim Carver discussing the Springwater Trail and his other favorite off-street paths. We talk on the phone with children participating in National Bike and Walk to School Day. 9-10AM, Wednesday, October 4th KBOO FM 90.7 Streamed live at KBOO.fm…
A few weeks ago I wrote about the SkyLink at DFW airport, and the attributes that made it an almost ideal transit system (high frequency, grade-separated right of way, central control reducing operator costs, etc.). Visiting Vancouver, it was interesting to see how many of these attributes SkyTrain possesses. Three minute headways during peak commute…