Category: Light Rail

  • Your Questions For Neil, “Round 5”, Part 1 – High-Capacity Projects

    Last Wednesday, Chris sat down with TriMet’s Neil McFarlane for a discussion focused on your questions. This has become a sort of annual tradition for Portland Transport, and this year we were very pleased to be hosted by the Portland Opera – the Opera headquarters is located on the east bank of the Willamette just…

  • I’m a Proud CTU

    Via @LitmanVPI: That would be a Cycle-Transit User, someone who combines cycling and transit to accomplish a trip. A new study out of the Mineta Transportation Institute (PDF) looks at this behavior in Philadelphia and San Francisco. A few top line conclusions: Cycling and transit act as access for each other, it’s not a one-way relationship…

  • Initial Thoughts on the ITDP Study

    The transportation corner of the internet has been abuzz for the last week over the new study from the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy. The report compares the amount of development catalyzed by a variety of transit projects, including Light Rail, Bus Rapid Transit and Streetcar – and looks at the ratio between capital investment…

  • Southwest Corridor Questionnaire

    This past Thursday, May 23rd, a community planning forum was held to present and discuss the current status of the SW Corridor, and solicit more community input. For those who didn’t attend, the materials have been posted on the project’s home page, and there is an online questionnaire for those who wish to add their…

  • How Do We Get an Antifragile Transit System?

    It would appear that the failure of a single surge protector effectively disrupted most MAX trips during the morning rush hour yesterday. That would seem to be the definition of “fragile” – a small failure has a non-linear (and much amplified) effect on the whole system. I could draw a similar analogy with a car…