Category: Land Use Connections

  • A Portland Plan Take on the Twenties Bikeway

    There’s a great deal of controversy around the question of whether or not parking removal on NE/SE 28th Ave should be part of the solution for the 20s bikeway. At the moment PBOT is leaning toward not removing parking, which means no dedicated bikeway in this section of the project (roughly between Oregon and Stark…

  • Transit Planning Practice in the Age of Transit-Oriented Development

    PSU Transportation Seminar Speaker: Ian Carlton, UC Berkeley Topics: Transit Planning Practice in the Age of Transit-Oriented Development When: Friday, April 11, 2014, 12-1 p.m. Where: PSU Urban Center Building, SW 6th and Mill, Room 204 Summary: Transit serves as backbone infrastructure for many regional and local visions for sustainable urban development. Also, many modern policies predicate transit funding on the…

  • Who Really Pays for Parking?

    The excellent folks at Sightline have looked at recent multifamily construction in Seattle and analyzed the parking use and financing. The conclusion – zoning regulations and bank demands result in more parking being built than needed, and the parking loses money. That means folks are making up the difference in what they pay for housing,…

  • A Solution for Our Industrial Land Shortage?

    Correspondent Bill Badrick sends along this YouTube video about a new urban Volkwagen factory. About two minutes in you’ll see a cargo tram that brings parts to the facility. It runs on the city’s streetcar tracks…

  • Bikeshare as Place

    The Project for Public Spaces has an interesting post up about the social life evolving around bikeshare stations in New York. Like bus stops, the stations function as gathering points, and host an interesting set of interactions.