Guest Post: Community Transit Double Tall Buses After One Year
This is a guest post from regular contributor Ron Swaren. Anyone who wishes to submit a guest post is welcome to contact the moderators and we will be happy to assist you. Photograph by Takeshita kenji, courtesy of Wikipedia. Released under the GNU Free Documentation License (CC-BY-3.0). Click on picture for a larger image. Community…
Guest Post: Proposal for Upgraded Columbia Corridor/Bypass 30 Reroute
Another guest post by frequent reader and commenter dan w. We wish to remind readers that we are happy to run guest posts–simply email submissions to one of the moderators–ES. Serving the Rivergate Industrial District, Portland Airport and a plethora of other industrial/employment centers, the Columbia Corridor–aka Bypass 30 and its parallel routes–is a vital…
Guest Post: A proposal for a downtown rail tunnel
This guest post is by Portland Transport reader dan w. We are always happy to publish well-written, topical guest posts; contact myself, Chris, or Bob if you are interested.–ES The idea of putting MAX underground through downtown Portland has been around for some time, and I’ve had a concept for a MAX subway that, with…