Category: Fares and Rider Policies

  • Your Questions For Neil, “Round 5”, Part 4 – Potpourri

    And now, the final segment of our video interview with TriMet’s Neil McFarlane. This episode, “Potpourri”, featuring a variety of your questions. Topics include: Bikes on MAX cars – are there ways to add capacity? Bike parking and bikeshare at MAX stations TriMet’s take on carbon emissions – what will it take to get to…

  • Your Questions For Neil, “Round 5″, Part 2 – Ridership / Operations / Budget

    Yesterday, we posted the first in a series of videos featuring Portland Transport’s interview with TriMet’s Neil McFarlane, based on your questions. Today, here’s Part 2… Today’s topics are Ridership, Operations and Budget: Recent press about transit at historically high levels, but TriMet’s has not fully recovered to pre-2009. Some service has recently been restored,…

  • The Mobile/Mobility Payments Race is On

    Which will you be able to pay for with your smart phone first, TriMet tickets (via Globe Sherpa) or your downtown Portland parking?

  • The Equity Implications of the TriMet Fare App

    The beta test for the TriMet fare app is winding down, and Joe Rose at the Oregonian has published a review of it. I think the review is fair and pretty much reflects my experience as a beta tester as well. It’s the headline that scares me: “GlobeSherpa’s TriMet Tickets app rescues riders from the…

  • On the Impending Transformation of Transportation

    Brian Davis is Portland Transport’s newest contributor. Brian is a Transportation Analyst at Lancaster Engineering, a MS Candidate at PSU where his research involves strategies for increasing sustainability in urban freight, and a carfree resident of downtown Portland. Welcome, Brian! – Chris I’m excited to be joining the discussion at Portland Transport at the onset…