DeFazio on Congestion Pricing in NYC
I have no idea what the background on this is, but Peter and Michael Bloomberg seem to be sparring.
Why We Don’t Use Congestion Pricing
Here’s an interesting piece on the reasons we don’t see congestion pricing in use. Here are the top-line bullets: No One Cares (congestion is not so bad that we can’t live with it) Equity Considerations (congestion pricing is regressive) Congestion Pricing Suffers from a Mismatch Between Economic and Political Efficiency (economists don’t call the political…
Carbon Tax Discussion at Blue Oregon
Leslie Carlson has an interesting post about carbon taxes over at Blue Oregon. Please read and comment there.
More on Congestion Pricing in NYC
Streetsblog is reporting that there is now public opinion research that shows potential support for some form of congestion pricing. A follow-up post talks about the political opposition, apparently organized by the parking garage operators.
Driving Down Nationally?
One of our region’s claims to fame has been a slight decline in Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) per capita. In most places in our country the trendline is decidely in the other direction. But now Reuters is reporting (via CNN) that last year (2005 vs. 2004) per capita VMT went down NATIONALLY, by about 1%.…