Fast and Reliable Light Rail in the Netherlands: How they do it, and lessons for Portland
Zef Wagner is currently in the Netherlands taking a class on sustainable transportation. He will be posting periodically about the Dutch transit system and what lessons we could apply in Portland and elsewhere in the US. One of the first things I noticed about transit after arriving in the Netherlands was how incredibly fast the…
OPAL Releases Alternative Proposal for TriMet Budget (Updated)
This post from a couple weeks ago has been updated with some new thoughts regarding the WES commuter rail service. Only a few days after TriMet released its final budget recommendation, OPAL has released its alternative budget proposal aimed at limiting fare increases and service cuts. OPAL and its allies are adopting a smart strategy…
One Idea for Efficient Bus Service: No More Feeders
Scotty has put out the call for ideas to improve the efficiency of bus service in the Portland region, and I encourage everyone to submit your ideas in the comment thread. I would like to take this opportunity to submit one idea for more efficient bus service: eliminate feeder routes wherever possible by combining them…
Bike Walk Vote candidate meet-up event Wed. night
Bike Walk Vote, a local political action committee focused on active transportation, has an event coming up this Wednesday night called 4/4 Forward: Candidate Meet-Up & Campaign Kick-Off Party. The party will take place 7-9pm on April 4th at Crank Bicycles (2725 SE Ash St in Portland) and will be a chance for the public…
The 15 finally returns to the Morrison Bridge! Great news, but more needs to be done.
For nearly a year, the Morrison Bridge has been closed to westbound traffic so contractors could replace its hazardous steel-grate surface. The project, which was meant to end last November but was plagued by delays, not only disrupted life for auto commuters but also forced the westbound 15 bus to detour south to the Hawthorne…