Liberty: We Must Consider More CRC Alternatives
This is excerpted from Councilor Liberty’s February newsletter. The Columbia River Crossing Study: We Must Consider More Alternatives Than Just a New 10 or 12 Lane Freeway Bridge That May Cost Taxpayers $2 Billion There are very few regional decisions with greater consequences for us than whether to spend $2 billion of taxpayer funds to…
CRC Skepticism from a Metro Councilor
Councilor Liberty was kind enough to share this memo (PDF, 39K) to his Metro colleagues [already in the public record] regarding the Columbia River Crossing project. He has some doubts: The problem is defined entirely in terms of vehicle movement (cars, trucks, bikes, pedestrians, transit) and safety. The definition does not encompass the sources of…
One Metro Councilor Challenges the Status Quo
For the last 30 to 50 years, transportation planning in the United States has been: 1. Carried out largely in isolation from regional, city or neighborhood land use planning, even though we know transportation investments shape property values and land uses and land use regulations play a major role in travel patterns. 2. Based on…