Light Rail’s Next Stop: Oregon City?
Putting aside the ongoing CRC discussion for a few minutes, an article in Thursday’s Oregonian briefly mentioned that the city of Oregon City has passed a resolution endorsing the Portland-Milwaukie light-rail line LPA that was chosen by the steering committee. The resolution supports the Porter-Sherman Willamette River crossing, the Tillamook Branch alignment in Milwaukie and…
Report Predicts ‘Mass Exodus of Vehicles off America’s Highways’
Via Planetizen: Over the next four years, we are likely to witness the greatest mass exodus of vehicles off America’s highways in history. By 2012, there should be some 10 million fewer vehicles on American roadways than there are today—a decline that dwarfs all previous adjustments including those during the two OPEC oil shocks (see…
Transit Investment Plan Meetings
Get involved in your local transit planning process by attending a TriMet Open House in May. Learn about the I-205/Portland Mall Light Rail and WES Commuter Rail projects, and discuss plans for Milwaukie Light Rail and the Columbia River Crossing. Talk with TriMet staff and see what’s in the works in our Transit Investment Plan…
Yamhill County Rail study focuses on 3 options
Plans for linking Portland to Yamhill County by rail will likely fall short of Spirit Mountain and even perhaps McMinnville. The study currently underway by Portland-based IBI Group suggests that the line may go no further than Newberg due to low ridership estimates. Randy Knapick of IBI Group said three options are getting a serious…
Enhancing Public Transit With Wi-Fi
A recent column found by way of Planetizen identifies many of the advantages of providing Wi-Fi Internet access to public transit passengers and provides several brief case studies of transit districts that have implemented wireless networks on their systems. One of the most commonly cited benefits was the ability to enhance the safety of passengers…