Transportation and … health care?
CJ Grimes works as a community health care organizer with Service Employees International Union, Local 49 on the Make Health Care Work Campaign (MHCW). MHCW is a coalition of health care advocates, front line caregivers and consumers working to give the community a guaranteed voice in regional health care planning. You can contact CJ directly…
My Commute: A New Year’s Resolution
Hi, I’m Willow, and I write a blog for Urban Honking called perfect heart. Jessica asked if I would do an entry here about one of my New Years resolutions. This is actually a resolution I set for 2005, and didn’t even come close to accomplishing, so I put it at the top of my…
Walking, Health and Engineering
Over at Blue Oregon, Leslie Carlson has written a great piece about the health benefits of walking and how opportunities for walking have been engineered out of our society. Read and comment there…
Another Perspective on Congestion Costs
Meeky passes on a link to another (non-Portland) perspective on congestion and the transportation-land use connection.
My Commute: Natalie Ramsland
Portland Transport is constantly looking out for first person accounts of commutes or trips that shed light on our transportation system, or our attitudes about it. We invite readers to e-mail their stories to webmaster@portlandtransport.com I work as a bike messenger, a job which is an easy spin downtown, downhill from my apartment. I live…