Mixing Oil and Water

Oil and water are increasingly scarce, crucial to Oregon’s economy, and are looming yet solvable issues.

Illahee and partners from government, business and the community have put together a daylong symposium on Friday June 2nd, on Oil, Water and Oregon. http://www.illahee.org/symposium

Our goal is to help businesses, policy makers and citizen leaders expand their understanding of how oil and water will impact our part of the world, and begin the process of finding solutions for our shared energy and water future.

We’ve pulled together a powerhouse trio of energy and water experts to give us the latest inside look at these resources. And because many of our answers will have to be locally based, we’ve conscripted another trio of creative Oregon leaders to respond and lead a freewheeling lunch discussion.

Then we roll up our sleeves with thirty Oregon leaders on panels including Oregon’s economy, energy innovation, Eastside/Westside water, agriculture, transportation, and community solutions. The goal is to explore how all these sectors can anticipate, adapt and even leverage impending energy and water challenges.

Join us as we explore these two resources that will shape the future of our region. Sign up on line at http://www.illahee.org/symposium, or by calling us at 503-222-2719.

Best wishes,

Peter Schoonmaker
Illahee President


Symposium Agenda, Friday June 2nd, Oregon Convention Center

7:30 AM Registration
8:15 AM Symposium kickoff

8:30 AM Roger Bezdek, energy expert, co-author of “The Hirsch Report”
9:45 AM Peter Gleick, water expert, President of the Pacific Institute
11:00 AM Patrcia Limerick, Historian, Chair of the Center of the American West

Noon – Lunch Panel Response to Morning Keynotes
John Emrick – CEO of Norm Thompson Outfitters
Cameron Healy – Founder and CEO of Kettle Foods
Betsy Johnson – Oregon State Senator

Afternoon Panels (two sets of panels, 1:30-3:00pm, 3:30-5:00pm)

Agriculture (3:30 – 5:00)
Oil and water are crucial resources for Oregon’s agricultural sector. How can agriculture anticipate, adapt and even leverage impending energy and water challenges? Featuring:
Ken Bailey, Vice President/CFO, Orchard View Farms
Bill Blosser, President, William Blosser Consulting
Brian Rohter, CEO, New Seasons Market
Moderator: Jennifer Allen, Portland State University

Community & Policy Solutions (3:30 – 5:00)
Energy and water solutions will come from business, government and communities working at various scales, and at various levels of coordination. Panelists will explore a range of community and
policy approaches. Featuring:
Dan Carol, National Steering Committee for the Apollo Alliance
Emily Pollard, Portland Peak Oil
Dan Saltzman, Commissioner, City of Portland
Catherine Thomasson, National Board President, Physicians for Social Responsibility
Greg Wolf, Director, PSU School of Government, Urban & Public Affairs
Moderator: Wendy Radmacher-Willis, Executive Director, City Club of Portland

Economy & Global Trade (1:30-3:00)
Oregon’s economy is globally and regionally connected. How will global forces and local changes in energy and water supplies affect the state’s businesses and citizens? Featuring:
Phil Berry, Director, Nike Footwear Sustainability Group
Joseph Cortright, Vice President/Economist, Impresa Consulting
Bryan Gooch Redd, President and CEO, Upstream 21
Bill Scott, President, Flexcar
Moderator: Jeff Hammarlund, President, NW Energy and Environmental Strategies

Energy Innovation (1:30 – 3:00)
>From wind to water to solar to biofuels, Oregon is a hotbed of energy innovation. Panelists will explore how we can bring fresh energy ideas from concept to profitability. Featuring:
Tomas Endicott, President, SeQuential Biofuels
Alan Hickenbottom, NW Regional Director, Energy Outfitters
Peter Solomon, Vice President, Momentum Renewable Energy
Moderator: Ted Bernhard, Energy Ventures and Finance Initiative, Stoel Rives

Oregon’s Water – East vs. West (3:30 – 5:00)
The American west is water poor, and so is two-thirds of Oregon. In the next fifty years climate change will alter our region’s water regime, and Oregonians will reinvent how water is shared, distributed, and used across the state. Featuring:
Gail Achterman, Director, Institute for Natural Resources at OSU
Bruce Aylward, Water Bank Director, Deschutes River Conservancy
Martha Pagel, Water Policy and Management, Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt
Rick Skaggs, Natural Resources Division Manager, Pacific NW National Laboratory
Moderator: Daniel D. Heagerty, Senior Vice President, David Evans and Associates

Transportation (1:30 – 3:00)
The transportation sector is heavily oil dependent. But Oregonians have a history of out-side-the-box thinking on how we deliver transportation services, from foot to tire, and from rail to rudder. Featuring:
Mia Birk, Principal, Alta Planning + Design
Rex Burkholder, Councilor, Metro Regional Government
Gail Curtis, Manager, Oregon Transportation Plan
Charlie Hales, Vice President of Transit Planning, HDR Engineering
Susie Lahsene, Transportation Planning Manager, Port of Portland
Moderator: Gail Achterman, Commissioner, Oregon Transportation Commission