Updated: Green Cabs Wilting?

Updated August 21st, 2006

Green Cabs has avoided a City-imposed shutdown. According to a report in the Oregonian on Friday, Green was determined to be in compliance with City regulations after a new inspection. A City press release confirms the new status.

Original Post August 8th, 2006

The City of Portland is getting ready to yank operating permission for Green Transportation for a variety of violations under the headings of safety, access and public convenience. This City is also levying fines of $35K+. Green can appeal or seek to rectify the problems.

Full details below.

City Issues Notice of Suspension to Green Transportation for Public Safety and Access Violations

The Office of Management and Finance Revenue Bureau is continuing its investigation of Green Transportation and has issued a notice of suspension for public safety and public convenience violations of City Code

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Mary Volm, 503-823-7785


Civil Penalties Also Assessed for Administrative and Reporting Violations

(Portland, OR) The Office of Management and Finance Revenue Bureau is continuing its investigation of Green Transportation and has issued a notice of suspension for public safety and public convenience violations of City Code. The investigation was launched July 28, 2006 after receiving several complaints and found serious violations by this taxi cab company that created public safety concerns and exposes the City to potential liability.

The company received notice today that they will be required to suspend operation on Thursday, August 17, 2006 at 12:01 AM, a ten-day notice required by City Code.

The public safety violations include:
· Drivers working more than 14 hours per day
· Vehicle camera (provided by the City of Portland) missing or not operating
· Substandard vehicle maintenance
· Vehicle insurance discrepancies

Public convenience violations are:
· Only one Wheelchair Accessible Van (WCA) operation when five are required
· Failure to provide city-wide service

In addition to suspension, the City is assessing Civil Penalties for administrative violations of the code in the amount of $35,860. The cited administrative and reporting violations are:
· Failure to keep adequate driver time records (trip sheets)
· Failure to file appropriate accident reports with the City of Portland
· Failure to notify the City of suspended licenses of drivers
· Switching taxicab ID plates from WCA vans to sedans

“It is our responsibility to regulate this industry,” said Terri Williams, Manager of the Revenue Bureau’s License and Tax Division. “If we know of these violations and do not take action, we are putting both the traveling public and the City of Portland at risk.”

Green Transportation can appeal both the assessment and/or suspension to the code Hearings Officer within ten days of receiving notice. The City has given until August 28, 2006 to correct these violations. If corrections are verified by the City, the suspension will end August 29, 2006 at 11:59 PM. If corrective actions are not made by then, the suspension will continue until corrected and verified or until October 2, 2006 when a Notice of Revocation of their company permit will be issued.

Out of 382 permitted taxicabs in the City, Green Transportation is permitted to operate 48 cabs. The City has only suspended one taxi cab company during the history of the regulatory program. The suspension was for a lack of adequate insurance violation only and the company was reinstated within three days.

2 responses to “Updated: Green Cabs Wilting?”

  1. Thank you for posting this article about the current issues that Green Transportation is facing. It seems that taxi cab transportation is often treated as the ugly stepchild of the transportation world. Very little attention is given to this form of transit. Many of our region’s poorest and most vulnerable residents rely on taxi service for accessing goods and services.

    Competition in the marketplace is important, so I’m hoping that Green can make some management changes and get its affairs in order.

  2. Personally I think the taxicab service in Portland is over regulated. That is not to say the majority of the violations are not warranted because they are. But when it comes to the defining vehicles, the age of vehicles and what maintenance should be performed on vehicles, other than cleanliness, the city going to far and out of line with over regulation. Choices like that should be business decisions made by the cab companies. I also think cameras in taxicabs should be at the discretion of the driver, not mandated by big brother.

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