Congestion Pricing to Hop Atlantic?

According to Streetsblog, NYC is considering emulating London’s example with congestion pricing.

3 responses to “Congestion Pricing to Hop Atlantic?”

  1. I wonder if we’ll replicate it well or botch it up.

    Now if we can learn how to build real passenger rail service to surpass England’s and we’ll finally be doing a “little” better.

  2. I have been wondering if this would be applicable up here. THe problem is, it would have to extend up to First Hill and Capitol Hill, as that is a big traffic generator as well. I used to walk down to the library from First Hill when my late father was dialysizing, and I dreaded crossing 6th and Madison, as during rush-hour, it is one long procession of free-right turns to get to the Freeway on-ramp. The traffic is mostly coming from the hospitals.

    IF it were ever implemented here, I would have some of the money used for a bus-lane for the #10/12 buses to get down Madison St faster, as that route is slowed considerably by this traffic.

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